Friday, 14 December 2012

Things to be included in iTV

THERE SUCH THINGS THAT SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN APPLE TV(iTV)...also it crash Tv market from Panasonic,sony..!! and make Apple share touch peak which ever seen before.
At first I was a little surprised. But after thinking about it, I realized so would I. But it’s not for the reasons that you think. Paying top dollar for Apple products has become the expectation. But consumers have also come to expect more. But what would an iTV give me that I don’t already have? But after opening my refrigerator it suddenly hit me – aFacebook “like” button. Refrigerator – you ask? I’ll get more to that later.
There’s no way this television ambition can work without it. The iTV has to have one. More specifically, it needs to have some type of social and commercial integration. Otherwise it will be a colossal failure. I want it and so should you. Here’s why. In a recent interview with NBC’s Brian Williams, Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook said:
“When I go into my living room and turn on the TV, I feel like I have gone backwards in time by 20 to 30 years. It’s an area of intense interest. I can’t say more than that.”
It seems Cook understands that the TV experience can no longer be “just about TV.” It has to also be about you “the viewer.” He gets it. This is what Sonyand Panasonic have been unable to figure out and the reason why Panasonic is exiting the business altogether. And if Netflix is not careful it will be killed off too.
Cook salivates at the massive social aspect to TV that remains untapped. And if Apple gets this right the company can easily secure 90% of the TV market within a couple of years. If not, it might be the end of Apple as we know it.
For instance, Apple should want to integrate FaceTime with iTV. Aside from killing off Skype, Apple would essentially create the first “social television network.” One that allows you and your buddies to watch the same football game while sending virtual high fives to each other – all between time zones. But it gets better. As you watch the game, iTV will allow you to “like” certain plays or “thumbs down” a bad call from a referee. You can even “like” an American Idol contestant. Forget the text voting – that’s so 2001.
It can all work with Bluetooth connectivity between your iTV and iPad or iPhone. But there’s also a “commercial” benefit to this as well. Viewers should be able to “like” certain products, a baseball team, or even a car or an Applebee’s commercial. And based on these “likes”, iTV will be able to list game times for your favorite sports teams and can take it a step further by recording shows to your DVR based on your “like” selections. But why would someone need to like an Applebee’s commercial?
What this means is that the iTV immediately becomes “the mediator” in ongoing controversies surrounding products like the Hopper from Dish Network that allows consumers to skip television ads. Although the Hopper is a great concept, it’s unfair. On the other hand, this sensitive issue presents an excellent opportunity for Apple.
People don’t “like” ads – I get it. But TV is all about content and content is not free. And the value of the content is determined by the ad dollars it generates. So unless it is a premium channel such as HBO or Showtime, there’s no way to avoid ads. On the other hand, what if iTV figured out a way to make you “like” the ads that you try so desperately to avoid? This would solve the problem facing broadcasting networks like CBS and ABC.
After all, can Apple really “change the way we watch TV” without also addressing this huge commercial “inconvenience?” It would be a missed opportunity. For a lot of people commercials are nothing more than a 3 minute bathroom break. If you’re like me, it’s also the time to get on Twitter and complain about how poorly a game is being officiated. But what if iTV was able to make you look forward to commercials – to the point that you would even consider recording them?
It sounds crazy – I know. But with a “like” button on iTV and a rewards program from Groupon, Living Social or even your favorite local grocer, you would love commercials. Your “likes” would be stored in a way that would allow advertisers to know who you are, your address, your zip code and provide them with other information that allows them to create “targeted ads.” This might even give them enough justification to bring a Starbucks to your neighborhood.
It can all depend on the number of “likes” in your local area provided to them by Apple. They can be called “iLikes” or “ad-likes.” Once your “likes” are stored (presumably) on the iCloud, iTV will be able to interface with the web and stream printable coupons to your device and even create a shopping list. Essentially, Apple becomes both the Facebook and Amazon of the living room. With so much stored demographic information, this can immediately become another revenue stream where Apple can sell targeted ads. It can also mean the end of junk mail in the mailbox outside of your home.
Better still, iTV will also be able to provide immediate content feedback to the TV networks based on the number of “likes.” After all, since Tim Cook said current TV “takes him back 20-30 years” why then should we still rely on a Neilsen rating system that spans 30 years. Also, I don’t know about you, but I don’t recall Neilsen ever asking for my input. Likewise, I don’t personally know anyone else they’ve asked. Yet, Neilsen still speaks for me. With an iTV I can speak for myself.
Bottom Line
The way we view television is changing faster than many believed it would. So for Apple to make this ambition truly the game-changer that it is billed to be, Apple has to effectively change the way we watch content and the way we interface with the products that are marketed to us. And with TV life cycles being 4 years, it means people aren’t dropping them in pools of water and then waiting in line for a new one. Apple has to get this right the first time – especially since consumers would have already paid such a premium. If iTV fails, Apple’s reputation goes with it.

Facts about IT and software company.True story by an Experienced guy..!!

facts about IT companies

Today i'm going to explain about organisational innovation in India. but engineers graduating in India is many times greater than developed countries like US,UK,USSR etc...but India is not producing engineer but trained pet animals(as said in 3idiots).No one will accept this even professors!!! only true story will help this society to understands its status.Ah its not a story,its a experience by an IT it is the facts about IT companies[software company]...

 In my engineering days, I was one of the first students who had taken up a project on web technology as my project work. Even then I was sure, I wanted to be in the web technology and work on it. I considered myself very lucky to be selected in to Infosys on campus. It was my dream company then and I was very excited to be a part of it.
Fast forward 7 years, I look back and think, probably Infosys was the worst thing that happened to me. Let me explain. Infosys asks puzzles in the entrance exams. You would think, it is required to find the best analytical brain to do the job. But as soon as you get inducted, you are put into a training program (which is claimed to be the best in the industry) to train you in specific technology. Do you need analytical brain for this? No. It is just the start, where they teach you to stop thinking and enter into world of processes and zero innovation which is the main FACTS ABOUT IT COMPANIES.
I was put into the mainframe stream. I did mention I was interested in something different. However, I was told politely, you only do what you are asked to do. I am not allowed to question or choose my own stream. They did try to upsell the old technology saying, 80% of the world’s code is written in Cobol, etc etc. What they did not tell then was, none of the new technical breakthru or product development is happening in Cobol. The same case was repeated when I asked for a location of my choice.
In short, Mainframes was shoved down my throat. I was also asked to vomit out all the innovation and analytical mind set out. I was to follow the processes and not try anything entrepreneurial. Mistakes was not tolerated. You are trained to be a sheep and do like all the rest 30000 odd people were doing in the company.
Slowly but steadily, I continued to lose interest in coding. If doing the same repeated copy-paste stuff, for years together is what you wanted, why did you have to test for analytic mind set? I was not aware, but my desire to code, learn and build something awesome was murdered in Infosys. It was a curse in disguise.
Ironically, now most innovative company owner Mr. Murthy(infosys) claims, the quality of these people leaves much to be desired. On the contrary, the quality of the IT companies and facts about IT companies in India, leaves much to be desired.
Can I please request the premiere institutions of India to ban these so called Innovative IT companies? Else, at least please ensure, the bright brains are used in the right direction and not spoiled by these companies its a fact.
P.S.: I have used the example of Infosys, as I worked in this organization. It can be applied to all the major most innovative companies including TCS, Wipro, Cognizant, etc
Update: I had no idea, this post will get so much of innovative company eyeballs, facebook, reddit, etc. Hence, I have to put some more details in here.
1. I am not a girl, I am a guy. This is quite common, and I have got used to it now.
2. I am not a good programmer. Hell, I am even worse than a bad programmer. However, I am a webpreneur. I believe in Business Innovation and not technical innovation.
3. I did quit Infy, after 2 years. I was in another company for the next 5 years. It was same, if not worse than Infy.
4. I have quit my IT job, and decided to start all over again. Yes,  no jobs, no cash, but I have hope. ( pun intended)
5. My post was not to bitch about my luck, I choose it. It was to bitch about the fact that companies like Infy, TCS, Wipro, Cognizant and others IT companies, continue to mislead innocent students and hire the best brains possible, only to ruin them. There is a world beyond coding and programming, and definitely, there is a world beyond the big companies.