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Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Monday, 24 December 2012
Why is it hard to innovate? what are
the obstacles for innovation? Why innovation success rate is so little? This
paper is aimed at discussing these questions on an academic level.
Referring to innovation as a change,
sometime a major change, I shall first present the difficulties of promoting a
change, in general. Kotter (1996) discusses the reasons for the high rate of
failed change initiatives. Among them are lack of urgency/ too much
complacency, lack of sensible vision/ under-communication of the vision, and
other, leadership related issues. Obviously, the strongest obstacle to any
change-of-direction is what known as the inertia, the virtual power that keeps
moving at the current direction, and rejects any deviation from it. As Gary
Hamel states it, "companies are toxic to innovation…
Most large companies
have a change model that is essentially borrowed from poorly governed Third
World dictatorships. The only way you can change them is with a coup"QUOTES BY Kirkpatrick, 2004.
When it comes to innovation, Tidd,
Bessant, & Pavitt (2005) highlight it by the metaphor of "riding two
horses", when referring to the innovator's dilemma. For being successful,
firms should therefore, focus on "doing what they do, better".
Nevertheless, Gary Hamel insists that "in order to remain resilient as a
business, you really have to routinely innovate… Many companies are reaching
the point where it will be impossible to raise prices, grow the top line, or
even significantly reduce costs without innovation" (Kirkpatrick, 2004).
Another obstacle to innovation is the
long time it takes (3-5 years), which is the average time a large corporate CEO
expects a tenure (Kirkpatrick, 2004); this fact and the way CEOs are
compensated, result in short-term thinking: "It's much easier [for a CEO]
to take a restructuring charge that resets the performance bar, or to do a big
deal, than to actually transform the company". Among the few exceptions,
by Gary Hamel, is GE's Jeff Immelt, who has focused the company on innovation,
because he plans to be in the firm at least a decade.
Gary Hamel lists few myths about
innovation: that innovation is risky, that innovation is mostly about products,
that innovation is about big ideas, and that innovation is about the top line –
all these myths, Hamel argues, are questionable and challengeable. Yet, they do
play as barriers to innovation.
Innovation is a process, as explained
in other papers, and managing this process of innovation pose special
difficulties and challenges, that requires specific management skills.
Sunday, 16 December 2012
VLC Media Player 2.0.5 released
VLC VIDEO Media Player is without doubt one of the most popular multimedia players. Part of the popularity comes from the fact that it supports nearly every media format out of the box, so that you do not need to go out codec hunting before you can play a video or audio file on your system. The developers are currently working on an Android version of VLC which we have reviewed yesterday.
media player from the official website instead and install it manually on your system.
The update as usual removes the old version of VLC Media Player from the system before the new version gets installed on it.
The update is a stability update for VLC according to Felix Paul Kühne, lead developer at VideoLAN who posted a lit of notable changes made in version 2.0.5 on his personal blog.
- Improved reliability for MKV, Koreus and SWF playback
- Resolved system sleep issue on MAC OS X 10.5
- Resolved potential security issues in HTML subtitle parser and AIFF demuxer
- Fixed MPEG2 audio and video encoding
- Various minor fixes and improvements
- Improved HTTPS streaming on WIndows
- Improved reliability for libVLC based applications
- Updated Translations
As you can see, mostly reliability and stability improvements. Especially the MKV playback reliability improvements should come in handy for users of the media player. The VLC as usual is available for all supported operating systems
Friday, 14 December 2012
Things to be included in iTV
THERE SUCH THINGS THAT SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN APPLE TV(iTV)...also it crash Tv market from Panasonic,sony..!! and make Apple share touch peak which ever seen before.
There’s no way this television ambition can work without it. The iTV has to have one. More specifically, it needs to have some type of social and commercial integration. Otherwise it will be a colossal failure. I want it and so should you. Here’s why. In a recent interview with NBC’s Brian Williams, Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook said:
“When I go into my living room and turn on the TV, I feel like I have gone backwards in time by 20 to 30 years. It’s an area of intense interest. I can’t say more than that.”
It seems Cook understands that the TV experience can no longer be “just about TV.” It has to also be about you “the viewer.” He gets it. This is what Sonyand Panasonic have been unable to figure out and the reason why Panasonic is exiting the business altogether. And if Netflix is not careful it will be killed off too.
Cook salivates at the massive social aspect to TV that remains untapped. And if Apple gets this right the company can easily secure 90% of the TV market within a couple of years. If not, it might be the end of Apple as we know it.
For instance, Apple should want to integrate FaceTime with iTV. Aside from killing off Skype, Apple would essentially create the first “social television network.” One that allows you and your buddies to watch the same football game while sending virtual high fives to each other – all between time zones. But it gets better. As you watch the game, iTV will allow you to “like” certain plays or “thumbs down” a bad call from a referee. You can even “like” an American Idol contestant. Forget the text voting – that’s so 2001.
It can all work with Bluetooth connectivity between your iTV and iPad or iPhone. But there’s also a “commercial” benefit to this as well. Viewers should be able to “like” certain products, a baseball team, or even a car or an Applebee’s commercial. And based on these “likes”, iTV will be able to list game times for your favorite sports teams and can take it a step further by recording shows to your DVR based on your “like” selections. But why would someone need to like an Applebee’s commercial?
What this means is that the iTV immediately becomes “the mediator” in ongoing controversies surrounding products like the Hopper from Dish Network that allows consumers to skip television ads. Although the Hopper is a great concept, it’s unfair. On the other hand, this sensitive issue presents an excellent opportunity for Apple.
People don’t “like” ads – I get it. But TV is all about content and content is not free. And the value of the content is determined by the ad dollars it generates. So unless it is a premium channel such as HBO or Showtime, there’s no way to avoid ads. On the other hand, what if iTV figured out a way to make you “like” the ads that you try so desperately to avoid? This would solve the problem facing broadcasting networks like CBS and ABC.
After all, can Apple really “change the way we watch TV” without also addressing this huge commercial “inconvenience?” It would be a missed opportunity. For a lot of people commercials are nothing more than a 3 minute bathroom break. If you’re like me, it’s also the time to get on Twitter and complain about how poorly a game is being officiated. But what if iTV was able to make you look forward to commercials – to the point that you would even consider recording them?
It sounds crazy – I know. But with a “like” button on iTV and a rewards program from Groupon, Living Social or even your favorite local grocer, you would love commercials. Your “likes” would be stored in a way that would allow advertisers to know who you are, your address, your zip code and provide them with other information that allows them to create “targeted ads.” This might even give them enough justification to bring a Starbucks to your neighborhood.
It can all depend on the number of “likes” in your local area provided to them by Apple. They can be called “iLikes” or “ad-likes.” Once your “likes” are stored (presumably) on the iCloud, iTV will be able to interface with the web and stream printable coupons to your device and even create a shopping list. Essentially, Apple becomes both the Facebook and Amazon of the living room. With so much stored demographic information, this can immediately become another revenue stream where Apple can sell targeted ads. It can also mean the end of junk mail in the mailbox outside of your home.
Better still, iTV will also be able to provide immediate content feedback to the TV networks based on the number of “likes.” After all, since Tim Cook said current TV “takes him back 20-30 years” why then should we still rely on a Neilsen rating system that spans 30 years. Also, I don’t know about you, but I don’t recall Neilsen ever asking for my input. Likewise, I don’t personally know anyone else they’ve asked. Yet, Neilsen still speaks for me. With an iTV I can speak for myself.
Bottom Line
The way we view television is changing faster than many believed it would. So for Apple to make this ambition truly the game-changer that it is billed to be, Apple has to effectively change the way we watch content and the way we interface with the products that are marketed to us. And with TV life cycles being 4 years, it means people aren’t dropping them in pools of water and then waiting in line for a new one. Apple has to get this right the first time – especially since consumers would have already paid such a premium. If iTV fails, Apple’s reputation goes with it.
Facts about IT and software company.True story by an Experienced guy..!!
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Today i'm going to explain about organisational innovation in India. but engineers graduating in India is many times greater than developed countries like US,UK,USSR etc...but India is not producing engineer but trained pet animals(as said in 3idiots).No one will accept this even professors!!! only true story will help this society to understands its status.Ah its not a story,its a experience by an IT it is the facts about IT companies[software company]...
In my engineering days, I was one of the first students who had taken up a project on web technology as my project work. Even then I was sure, I wanted to be in the web technology and work on it. I considered myself very lucky to be selected in to Infosys on campus. It was my dream company then and I was very excited to be a part of it.
Fast forward 7 years, I look back and think, probably Infosys was the worst thing that happened to me. Let me explain. Infosys asks puzzles in the entrance exams. You would think, it is required to find the best analytical brain to do the job. But as soon as you get inducted, you are put into a training program (which is claimed to be the best in the industry) to train you in specific technology. Do you need analytical brain for this? No. It is just the start, where they teach you to stop thinking and enter into world of processes and zero innovation which is the main FACTS ABOUT IT COMPANIES.
I was put into the mainframe stream. I did mention I was interested in something different. However, I was told politely, you only do what you are asked to do. I am not allowed to question or choose my own stream. They did try to upsell the old technology saying, 80% of the world’s code is written in Cobol, etc etc. What they did not tell then was, none of the new technical breakthru or product development is happening in Cobol. The same case was repeated when I asked for a location of my choice.
In short, Mainframes was shoved down my throat. I was also asked to vomit out all the innovation and analytical mind set out. I was to follow the processes and not try anything entrepreneurial. Mistakes was not tolerated. You are trained to be a sheep and do like all the rest 30000 odd people were doing in the company.
Slowly but steadily, I continued to lose interest in coding. If doing the same repeated copy-paste stuff, for years together is what you wanted, why did you have to test for analytic mind set? I was not aware, but my desire to code, learn and build something awesome was murdered in Infosys. It was a curse in disguise.
Ironically, now most innovative company owner Mr. Murthy(infosys) claims, the quality of these people leaves much to be desired. On the contrary, the quality of the IT companies and facts about IT companies in India, leaves much to be desired.
Can I please request the premiere institutions of India to ban these so called Innovative IT companies? Else, at least please ensure, the bright brains are used in the right direction and not spoiled by these companies its a fact.
P.S.: I have used the example of Infosys, as I worked in this organization. It can be applied to all the major most innovative companies including TCS, Wipro, Cognizant, etc
Update: I had no idea, this post will get so much of innovative company eyeballs, facebook, reddit, etc. Hence, I have to put some more details in here.
1. I am not a girl, I am a guy. This is quite common, and I have got used to it now.
2. I am not a good programmer. Hell, I am even worse than a bad programmer. However, I am a webpreneur. I believe in Business Innovation and not technical innovation.
3. I did quit Infy, after 2 years. I was in another company for the next 5 years. It was same, if not worse than Infy.
4. I have quit my IT job, and decided to start all over again. Yes, no jobs, no cash, but I have hope. ( pun intended)
5. My post was not to bitch about my luck, I choose it. It was to bitch about the fact that companies like Infy, TCS, Wipro, Cognizant and others IT companies, continue to mislead innocent students and hire the best brains possible, only to ruin them. There is a world beyond coding and programming, and definitely, there is a world beyond the big companies.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Wordpress as being one the widely used CMS platform is one the favorite target of hackers now a days along with WHMCS, Instead of directly targeting wordpress fucntionalities and vulnerable plugins, it has been observed that the hackers are targeting a vulnerable website on the same server and using it they are able to bypass server restrictions in order to get the configuration file and hence hacking in to the wordpress. This method is commonly known asSymlink Bypassing in Black Hat World and server bypassing in White hat community.
Now it's a difficult task for an attacker to manually connect to the database and then manually replace the index file of worpdress for a successful defacement. Therefore hackers use Mass defacers. These are tools used by hackers to change the index files of all the websites present on the server with their own defacement page, This usually happens when the hacker has root level access on the server.
Recently, The admin of Team Root "Mauritania Attacker" mailed me his tool for the review, Which can be used by attackers to deface all the wordpress websites present on the same server.
How Does It Work?
For this tool to work the only requirement would be that the server is vulnerable to symlink bypass, This tool will automatically symlink all the wordpress websites on the server and replace their indexes with the page you will provide (.html or .PHP).
How To Use It?
The usage is extremely simple and i really don't see purpose of creating a tutorial, however this blog is mostly read by newbies, So I will add some screen shots.
1. Shell On The Server
2. The shell should not be secured from Symlink Bypassing.
3. Wordpress Mass Defacement Tool
Once you have completed all the above requirements, Just upload the Mass Defacement tool to the webserver, it will look some thing like this, Now replace the contents of index url with your own defacement page.
Next you will see the results for the websites, yo have been able to deface:
And finally you can view the list of all the websites, you were able to deface:
How To Protect Your Self?
In order to protect your website from being defaced, All you need to do is to change the permissions of your index files to 400. So no one will be able to change them, however if an attacker has root level access on the server, there is no way of protecting your website, since the attacker can manually change the permissions.
Website Hacking With CSRF Attack
Cross Site Request Forgery Attack is also known as CSRF or XSRF in short. Do not confuse it with Cross Site Scripting attack because it is totally different from that. Like SQL injection andXSS, CSRF is also one in top 10 OWASP web vulnerabilities for many years.
What is Cross Site Request Forgery Attack?
Cross Site Request Forgery or CSRF is an attack method in which attacker exploit users' active session in the browser without the permission of innocent user. By using victim's browser session, attacker sends valid requests to a website that perform some action in users' account. User will not be able to know that the request has been sent from his browser. An Attacker uses some third party innocent websites to generate these valid requests from user’s browser.
EX: If a form on a website can also be submitted from some other website, It is vulnerable to CSRF. Suppose there is a form on a vulnerable website
<form action=”action.php” method=”post”>
And I made a duplicate form on my local host
<form action=”” method=”post”>
I am able to submit the form by using the form on my localhost, the website is vulnerable to the CSRF attack This attack uses user's session to perform malicious task, so it is also known as "Session Riding attack." Sometimes it is hard to understand how this attack works in real life. So I am explaining it with the help of a example.
Suppose if an online payment website like Paypal has CSRF vulnerability. Attacker A want to exploit CSRF vulnerability of this website and attack on victim B. For this he use some third party website. Innocent User B login into his account to do check the balance and then switch to a new tab without logging out from the older tab. Session is active on the browser.
Attacker A had posted a link or image in a website that on load submits the payment transfer form to transfer money to the attacker's account by using active session. As the request came from user's browser by his session, CSRF vulnerable website will transfer the fund.
How CSRF is different from XSS
Many people have confusion inn between CSRF and XSS attack. In XSS, attacker exploit the trust of users on website. So we inject malicious script and user believes on it just because he see a valid website URL. Unlike XSS, in CSRF attacker exploits the website's trust on the browser. In this, a website thinks tha a request camre from the user's browser is made by user itself.
Both vulnerabilities are dangerous enough.
Protection against CSRF attack:
Many people thinks that limiting against XSS also limits CSRF. But this is not true. We have to make so many things to limit the attack.
There are many ways to protect the CSRF attack. Some important ways are given below:
- Checking the HTTP Referrer header website. If it is a different domain, deny the request.
- Limiting the lifetime of authentication cookies. If user is inactive for some fixed time, the session must be expired.
- Limit the damage by authenticating each request made by user.
- Use of random token for each session
A Self claimed leading IT security service website has become victim to hacking after hackers from a crew going by the handle @TheCrowsCrew gained access and left the site ( with a new main page.
The attack has happened within the last few hours and was carried out by the crows crew member @catalyst71_RJA and it appears that the “IT security experts” at @datadefence are totally unaware of the systems breach as at time of publishing the website was still defaced.
Data Defence is a leading edge IT services company providing innovative solutions and services to help organisations guarantee the availability and security of their corporate data.
Data defence appears to have partnerships with some very high profile company’s such as Microsoft,Trend Micro, Webroot, Symantec, Cryptzone.Mimecast and Dell Appasure. So with the self claims of being a IT data security expert its any wonder how they have allowed this to happen but it might have something to do with using an outdated version of wordpress.
All attacks by The Crows Crew can be found on Hack DB which in total is over 3000 archive mirrors of past breaches. The defacement on the data defence website has no real message but does has a shout out list and a embedded song.
Facebook's Year in Review: Obama, Sandy, Whitney
The world's largest social network compiled data on the top trends, memes, and events of the last year
A look at the top Facebook trends of 2012.
(Credit: Facebook)
Facebook has offered up the most popular trends across its service in 2012, as well as a new feature that lets users check out their last year.
Facebook's 2012 Trends, which the social network compiles by analyzing the most popular topics across its service this year, doesn't offer up many surprises. This year's top event on Facebook was the U.S. presidential election, followed by Super Bowl XLVI and Whitney Houston's death. Superstorm Sandy and the London Olympics rounded out the top five.
"We Are Young" by Fun was this year's top song, followed by "Somebody That I Used to Know" by Gotye and "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. The most-talked-about movies on Facebook were "The Hunger Games," "The Avengers," and "Magic Mike."
Facebook's 2012 Trends follows similar announcements from Google and Twitter. Not surprisingly given the popularity of the Election on Facebook, Twitter's top tweet of the yearwas President Obama's "Four more years" message to followers. Google announced today in its Zeitgeist 2012 that the death of Whitney Houston was its top search term for the year.With Facebook Places now in full swing, the social network also shared where most people told friends about their whereabouts. Not surprising to those who have been in the middle of thousands of people at one time, Times Square earned the most check-ins, followed by Disneyland and AT&T Park in California.
To add a bit more personalized fun for its users, Facebook has also launched a Year In Review feature for individual accounts. At the Year In Review page, Facebook users can see their personal 20 biggest events, "including life events, highlighted posts, and your most popular stories."
iPhone 5 Arrives in South Korea & More Than 50 Additional Countries in December
California—December 3, 2012—Apple® today announced iPhone® 5 will be available
in South Korea on Friday, December 7, with more than 50 additional countries
being added in December, including Brazil, Russia and Taiwan. iPhone 5 is the
thinnest and lightest iPhone ever, completely redesigned to feature a stunning
new 4-inch Retina™ display; an Apple-designed A6 chip for blazing fast
performance; and ultrafast wireless*—all while delivering even better battery
iPhone 5 is currently available in 47 countries around the world including the US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan and the UK. iPhone 5 comes with iOS 6, the world’s most advanced mobile operating system with over 200 new features including: Shared Photo Streams, Facebook integration, all-new Maps app, Passbook® organization and even more Siri® features and languages.
iPhone 5 comes in either black & slate or white & silver for a suggested retail price of $199 (US) for the 16GB model, $299 (US) for the 32GB model and $399 (US) for the 64GB model. iPhone 5 will be available through the Apple Online Store (, Apple’s retail stores and select Apple Authorized Resellers.
iPhone 4S is available for just $99 (US) and iPhone 4 is available for free with a two-year contract from participating carriers.
iPhone 5 will be available in South Korea on Friday, December 7 and on Friday, December 14 in Albania, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Ecuador, Grenada, Indonesia, Israel, Jamaica, Jordan, Kuwait, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldova, Montenegro, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. iPhone 5 will also be available on Friday, December 21 in Barbados, Botswana, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Egypt, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Niger, Senegal, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St.Vincent & the Grenadines, Tunisia, Uganda and Vietnam.
*Network speeds are dependent on carrier networks. Check with your carrier for details.
**Battery life depends on device settings, usage and other factors. Actual results vary.
Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad..........
iPhone 5 is currently available in 47 countries around the world including the US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan and the UK. iPhone 5 comes with iOS 6, the world’s most advanced mobile operating system with over 200 new features including: Shared Photo Streams, Facebook integration, all-new Maps app, Passbook® organization and even more Siri® features and languages.
iPhone 5 comes in either black & slate or white & silver for a suggested retail price of $199 (US) for the 16GB model, $299 (US) for the 32GB model and $399 (US) for the 64GB model. iPhone 5 will be available through the Apple Online Store (, Apple’s retail stores and select Apple Authorized Resellers.
iPhone 4S is available for just $99 (US) and iPhone 4 is available for free with a two-year contract from participating carriers.
iPhone 5 will be available in South Korea on Friday, December 7 and on Friday, December 14 in Albania, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Ecuador, Grenada, Indonesia, Israel, Jamaica, Jordan, Kuwait, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldova, Montenegro, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. iPhone 5 will also be available on Friday, December 21 in Barbados, Botswana, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Egypt, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Niger, Senegal, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St.Vincent & the Grenadines, Tunisia, Uganda and Vietnam.
*Network speeds are dependent on carrier networks. Check with your carrier for details.
**Battery life depends on device settings, usage and other factors. Actual results vary.
Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad..........
IBM Lights Up Silicon Nanophotonics for Big Data
IBM announced a
major advance in the ability to use light instead of electrical signals to
transmit information for future computing. Referred to as Silicon
Nanophotonics, the technology allows the integration of different optical
components side by side with electrical circuits on a single silicon chip,
using sub-100 nanometer semiconductor technology.
Big, Fast Data – Without an
Silicon Nanophotonics
could provide answers to big data challenges by seamlessly connecting various
parts of large systems, whether few centimeters or few kilometers apart from
each other, and move terabytes of data via pulses of light through optical
fibers.The technology uses pulses of light for communication and creates a
“super highway” for large volumes of data to be exchanged at high speeds
between computer chips in servers. This alleviates the cost and
bottlenecks presented by traditional interconnect technology. The research has
potential ramifications for the cost and speed of future data center networks,
and potential implications for design as well.
“This technology
breakthrough is a result of more than a decade of pioneering research at IBM,”
said Dr. John Kelly, Senior Vice President and Director of IBM Research. “This
allows us to move silicon nanophotonics technology into a real-world manufacturing
environment that will have impact across a range of applications.”
The challenge of
manufacturing these chips was addressed by adding a few processing modules
into a high-performance 90nm CMOS fabrication line. A variety of silicon
nanophotonics components, such as wavelength division multiplexers (WDM),
modulators, and detectors are integrated side-by-side with a CMOS electrical
circuitry. As a result, single-chip optical communications transceivers can be
manufactured in a conventional semiconductor foundry, providing significant
cost reduction over traditional approaches.
CMOS nanophotonics technology demonstrates transceivers to exceed the data rate
of 25Gbps per channel. In addition, the technology is capable of feeding a
number of parallel optical data streams into a single fiber by utilizing
compact on-chip wavelength-division multiplexing devices. The ability to
multiplex large data streams at high data rates will allow future scaling of
optical communications capable of delivering terabytes of data between distant
parts of computer systems.
It has developed a scalable, silicon
nanophotonics chip to improve communications and processing for big data
chips use pulses of light to communicate between chips in servers, racks and
supercomputers. With the new system in place, IBM’s chip can exceed next-gen
standard data transfers of 25 Gbps.
speeds are possible because the optical components on same chip as the
processors. The processors still use electrical circuits, but the chips convert
the electrical information to light pulses, which then transfer between chips.
Upon arriving at a new chip, the light is then transformed into electricity
again to be processed.
basically attacking a fundamental problem,” lead scientist Dr. Solomon Assefa
told me. “Communication in computing systems. For example, look at how search
is done. When someone queries, it goes to a big data center. It doesn’t just go
to a single processor. You have to connect many racks and processors.”
key innovation isn’t just the technology, though. It’s the fact that its
commercial and scalable. The research team at IBM developed the chip so that it
can be scaled using conventional manufacturing processes, which is what they’ve
been working on for the past two years since their initial breakthrough.
they will be cheap,” said Assefa. “Especially if you compare them to what
already exists, which requires more assembly of complex parts.
We’re bringing cost of optics down to silicon level.”
Cross-sectional view of an IBM Silicon Nanophotonics chip combining optical and electrical circuits. An IBM 90nm Silicon Integrated Nanophotonics technology is capable of integrating a photodetector (red feature on the left side of the cube) and modulator (blue feature on the right side) fabricated side-by-side with silicon transistors. Silicon Nanophotonics circuits and silicon transistors are interconnected with nine levels of yellow metal wires.
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